Former Oroville teacher sentenced to jail in domestic abuse case

Sean Molina

A former Oroville substitute teacher was sentenced April 29 to 67 days in jail for domestic abuse of his wife, who taught at the same school.

Sean Molina, 44, a teacher at Ophir Elementary, pleaded guilty to corporal injury to spouse as well as dissuading witnesses by force, according to court documents.

Molina was fired in January following threats made against his wife and her children, according to the Loomis Union School District.

Following the threats, Molina’s wife notified the district, which then placed her on leave of absence. 

The school was then put on “lock out” for two days, meaning all doors were locked and staff was put on alert.

Students’ parents were unaware of the threats made until a district meeting in February lead parents to also file restraining orders against Molina, according to court documents.

In his testimony, Molina said drug abuse caused his actions.

Judge Michael Deems sentenced Molina to serve his sentence in Butte County Jail. He ordered a five-year probation, a $3500 fine and completion of a 12-step program. 

-- Diego Modesto


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